Sempra Electric Pvt Ltd.


Exporter of Transformer in Algeria

Exporter of Transformer in Algeria

Sempra Electric Pvt. Ltd. Is a leading Exporter of Transformer in Algeria.

Our Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction.

A transformer changes the voltage of alternating current (AC) electricity, either increasing it to a higher voltage or decreasing it to a lower voltage.

These are coils of wire that create and receive magnetic fields.

The primary winding receives input voltage, while the secondary winding delivers the output voltage.      

Their primary function is to change the voltage levels in power systems, ensuring that electricity is delivered safely and efficiently to homes and businesses.


Power Rating: Up to 50MVA
Number of Phase:
Voltage Ratio:
Up to 132kV
Cooling Type:
Oil Cooled
Winding Material:
IS-2026, IEC-60076
Sempra Or Reputed
Energy Efficiency Level:

Types of Transformers

Step-Up Transformers: These increase voltage from primary to secondary windings, ideal for long-distance transmission.

Step-Down Transformers: These decrease voltage, making it suitable for residential and commercial use.

Isolation Transformers: Used to separate circuits, providing safety and noise reduction.

Three-Phase Transformers: Designed for three-phase power systems, commonly used in industrial applications.

Are transformers energy efficient?

Yes, modern transformers are designed to be highly energy-efficient, significantly reducing losses during power transmission.

What are the different types of transformers used in homes?

Common types of transformers used in homes include step-down transformers for reducing voltage and isolation transformers for safety and noise reduction.

How do I choose the right transformer for my needs?

Choosing the right transformer depends on factors like voltage requirements, power capacity, and application. Consulting with an electrical engineer can help determine the best option.

Sempra Electric Pvt. Ltd. Is a Exporter of Transformer in Algeriaincluding locations like Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Annaba, Blida, Batna, Djelfa, Sétif, Sidi bel Abbès, Biskra, Tébessa, Skikda, Tiaret, Béjaïa, Tlemcen, Béchar, Mostaganem, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Chlef, Souk Ahras, El Eulma, Médéa, Tizi Ouzou, Jijel, Laghouat, El Oued, Ouargla, M’Sila, Relizane, Saïda, Bou Saâda, Guelma, Aïn Beïda, Maghnia, Mascara, Khenchela, Barika, Messaad, Aflou.

For further details, please feel free to contact us.

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